Sorry I’ve been a little m.i.a. These last few weeks! (Headed to my first stelara infusion - it’s amazing how many times I hear "but you like like you’re fine! While I appreciate that😉 a little makeup can go a long ways to cover up the way someone really feels.) I had quite a setback with my medication which in turn made my crohns flare up more and to be perfectly honest just getting out of bed and getting a shower is exhausting most days...I’ve had a couple good days here and there and it gives me such hope and then the next day I’m back in bed the whole day...yesterday I was bored...I’ve been bored ALOT, when you’re this tired anything other than watching tv is about too much. but I decided to try doing one of my little workout routines, just one simple one and not even 20 minutes later I had such terrible stomach pain I didn’t move the rest of the day😕. So as some would think oh you could still write your blog etc, I generally don’t have the creative energy to eve...
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