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Weekly Recap June 16th - 22nd

Ok lets get started with Sunday morning...

I swear I don't know how this dog gets himself curled up into such small spots! 

We hit the ground running when we got up Sunday morning, We had family coming over for lunch to celebrate fathers day so we had to get everything finished with cleaning the house and then get there eat of the food ready for lunch.

These two were so upset that daddy wouldn't let them in the bathroom while he showered😂.

Joe got the pork loins on the smoker in the morning and my goodness the smelled and looked soo good!

So upset they couldn't get to us...😏.

One of my task for Joe was finally getting a new curtain rod up on the front window, hopefully this one last a little longer...

These guys were to cute to not snap a couple pictures of! 

Day two using the curling wand and I am still loving it! I think there's certain tools that work better at certain lengths of hair and right now this is what's working better than the flat iron, It might not be so bad when I get a MUCH needed haircut next week.

I had to take a little break from cleaning and Dublin saw that as a perfect opportunity for some cuddles.

My ootd - I got this tank-top from American Eagle last summer and oh my gosh it is so comfortable, I need to find more of them in different colors.

Love this guy...😍😍 We got a few minutes to relax outside.

Hard at work...😉

I'm telling you though, boiling the eggs in the instant pot makes them soo much easier to peal! If you don't already have one you totally need to invest in one.

Now I can only take credit for the pretty picture, When mom got there she got them mixed together and everything for me😊.

I was so proud of this guy and how well he did with people coming in and out and listening to us.

So not impressed that Dublin took his spot😂.

And then these two apparently decided it was nap time. 

It may not look like it in the picture...But he was totally loving all the grandma kisses he was getting! 

Such concentration! and it smelled soo good.

This was the first year we've spent Fathers day with Joes dad to and it was so great having him at the house! 

This was 1 out of like 10..all of which Dublin would NOT look at my mom...😂😂.

You guys...Joe totally outdid himself yet again! We (And by we I mean Joe...🤷‍♀️) smoked a ham and a couple smaller pork loins. He made some sort of glaze that he put on both of them, I don't remember what all was in it but man it was great.

He was so bummed no one shared any food with him.

A little while after lunch mom and dad headed to Des Moines to go to the movie (they went and saw Aladdin, I'm hearing amazing things about it!) 
Joe, his dad, and my brother decided to go target practicing at some public hunting up by my parents house.

So I decided to take advantage of the free time and go over to my friends house to visit and get some ADORABLE puppy cuddles in!! 

Once the guys were done target practicing I met them up at mom and dads so we could get the pool filter put in and get it filled the rest of the way up.
Joe and Chris both decided to get in, it was WAY to cold for me still, they said once you get acclimated it wasn't too bad but I just took their word for it😉. 
I'm so ready to enjoy it though, I think by the end of the week it should be ready enough!

Once we got home I decided to make a late snack since I wouldn't get to eat on Monday😒.
I decided to try out these mini pizzas I had got from Trader Joes. 

They weren't too bad, not a ton of flavor but for a quick snack I would buy them again.

As if Deegan hadn't gotten enough attention with everyone here earlier he thought it was play time.

And finally moved over to me when daddy wasn't throwing it fast enough😂.

So sweet...

Ok does anyone else dog lay with his paw like this?? he had it curled up like when you make a fist, Joe even straightened it out and he put it right back like that!😂.

Oh Monday....I slept late hoping that would help with not getting to eat anything.
This was my "wakeup" I had both of them laying on me😬.

My ootd Monday - I got the button down at target on clearance for like $13 and I love how lightweight it is, perfect for throwing over a tank top in the summer!
The tank...or "spaghetti strap" or "cami" depending on who you are is from Aeropostale, I've gotten other brands before but I still always go back to these ones! they're so comfy, the perfect length, and last forever, and if you watch you can get them for great prices on sale!

I snapped a picture of this to send a friend and thought you guys might like it too.
This is what Joe uses when he's got meat on the smoker to keep track of the smoker temp and the meat temp, it come with a monitor he can carry around with him so he doesn't have to stay outside and watch it like a hawk.
My parents got him this one for Christmas I think from amazon and its held up great.

Once I got up and around Monday I took the dogs outside to play.
clearly Dublin wasn't having any part of it, I thought if I took them out earlier before it got to hot it would work better and then I realized there was no shade for them😐.

We didn't last long.

I forgot to get some blue jello and of course all my protein drinks (juices) are the colors that I can't have so I was hoping these would fill me up, at least a little.
They didnt...

I tried to get a little work done on the blog and had some puppy cuddles while I was.

I remembered I had this in the freezer leftover from getting them the other day so I finished it off.

I think between not eating anything and having a really bad migraine my day went downhill fast...

I spent the rest of the afternoon having puppy cuddles and it was the perfect way to spend my time.

Oh Dublin...he was living up all the belly rubs daddy was giving him😂.

I was up at 5:00 to take the second round of the "prep" for my colonoscopy so the doggies and I moved to the couch to try and get some more sleep, I got some but not near as much as I wanted! 

I snapped this right before we were leaving to head to my appointment. Joe always called him a gremlin when he was a puppy because of his ears and I totally thought he looked like a fat gremlin😂😂.

Just before we got to the clinic we had to stop and let this little family cross the road, they were so adorable!
Also I really need to clean our dash...

Celebrating some good news! my colposcopy went well, I still have a lot of progress to make and he removed a polyp when he was in there but it was soo much better than we he did one in December so I'm very optimist! 
We headed straight to Jimmy Johns after my appointment so I could FINALLY eat, I scarfed it down so fast I didn't snap a picture.
Then I made Joe take me to Dairy Queen on the way home. I had heard a commercial about the new chocolate Reeces blizzard and then on Monday my friend told me to get one because it was so good so obviously I had to have one, I added cookie dough to mine and let me just say its a god thing we don't have a Dairy Queen in Osceola...

The pool is finally filled! mom sent me this picture when she got home and I'm so excited to use it. I'm hoping it warms up enough this week I can go up on Friday and relax a little.

I was so wiped when we got home between not eating, not sleeping, and the stuff they give you to knock you out that I passed out shortly after we got home, I woke up for about a half hour and then we went to bed.
This guy cracks me up, he totally learned this from Max (Joes moms dog) he had the pillow all fluffed perfectly to cuddle and I couldn't bare to take it from him when he was being so cute!

I was supposed to have a massage Wednesday morning and she had to reschedule and I'm so glad she did...even with going to bed at like 5:00 yesterday I still slept till 10:30 today! It was definitely much needed...

My ootd Wednesday - Sporting my "juggernaut" t-shirt (Joes fight shirt) and of course the shorts and nike sandals.

I got up and around, picked the house up a little (My everyday morning routine) and then got the hankering to clean my makeup brushes.

Let me just tell was LONG overdue😬.

I got this at Ulta and it was well worth the money, I think I only paid like $6 for it.
I've made a homemade mixture before with dish soap and to be honest this works so much better and got them clean so much quicker.

Never far from mama, Deegan won't lay on the hardwood floors so he was so mad that Dubling took "his" bed😂.
This dog bed was Allies (My parents doggie) and when she passed away mom gave it to me for our dog, Deegan LOVES it and it makes us so happy that they're using something of hers😊.

All clean! I didn't do all of my face brushes because I haven't used most of them that much.
The cleaner says its a weekly one...lets see if I could keep it up every week😉.
It only took about 10-15 minutes so I'm going to try and keep up on them.

Once I got done cleaning the brushes and doing a couple other things around the house I settled in on the couch to do some planning and blog work, Deegan thought that meant it was cuddle time of course.

I forgot to snap a picture but for lunch I wasn't that hungry so I had some applesauce (my mommas canned applesauce, I only have a few left and she's going to have to make me some more!) and then I had a couple pieces of toast. I wasn't really feeling anything and then I ended up nauseas anyways so I'm glad thats all I had...

Can you see the little tiny spot of Deegan under the blanket and pillow?? he loves being covered up like that.

I got up to get a snack and came back to Dublin taking my spot...I couldn't bare to make him move so of course I just sat on the edge of the couch in front of him😒.

And on the other side of me.

Who else loves a good rainy day?? I do when I don't have to leave the house, especially in the summer, it was a little chilly today actually (at least for summer) but since I didn't have any plans of going anywhere and was trying to take it easy it was perfect weather. 

I worked on some blog post and then just tried to rest most of the afternoon. 

I bought a new planner a few weeks ago at Walmart and am loving it! It was just a basic one but its a full size (and on sale for like $4!) I usually buy the smaller ones and end up not using them, who knows maybe I will with this one too😂. But having more space to write I've been trying to write down everyday task I want to do, etc.
One of the things I've been trying to do everyday is work on blog post for at least an hour a day and read for at least 15 minutes a day.
Obviously there is a reason I'm not working, I can only do so much in a day...BUT I've really been trying to use my time wisely, so even if I know I can't get up and around and do stuff I at least want to be productive if I need to sit and rest on the couch. So far writing it down each day is helping a lot! 

I've also been trying to write down my "thoughts" everyday as sort of a "brain dump" One thing that I hate about the Crohn's is it can cause you to be scatter brained or forgetful.
I have SO many ideas of things I want to do, etc. that it helps a lot writing down everything.
I know I won't get it all done in a timely manner but at least it helps me keep track of things.

A little update for you guys from the stuff I got last week at Bath and Body Works and Victoria Secret!
I have been LOVING everything so far! I put the watermelon melt in my warmer and one of the wallflowers when I got home that day and they both smell soo good. I've used all the body products accept for the the island sand body scrub, I'm going to return that one, I didn't really love the smell and I got it because I liked the exfoliation but coco shea exfoliator is just as good so I decided I didn't need that one.
I am loving the camo bra but am going to return the pink one, I was soo excited about the color but it just didn't fit very well. So hopefully I can find something similar when I exchange it! 
I gotta say I think one of my favorites the aloe-ha scrub from Victoria Secret, even Joe loves that one! and the coco shea ones smell soo good! I already told my mom I'd like anything with that scent for Christmas😉.

You guys...he is so cute! 

A few more puppy cuddle pictures for the afternoon.

I had recorded a couple new to me TV movies and watched those all afternoon.
Anybody else totally love the Hallmark Movies and Mysteries movies?? They're just the right amount of intense and "scary" for me😉.

On a whim I decided to make some homemade hamburger helper in the instant pot so when Joe got home I ran to the store to get the ingredients and threw it all together. it was super easy and sooo good!! it tasted like the boxed kind but with even more flavor. 
I'll be sharing the recipe soon! 

Joe was doing gym and I usually like to hang out there and watch but I wasn't feeling that great and it was kind of rainy so I cuddled up on the couch with the doggies to finish the movies I recorded.

I tried to get on the floor and get them to play a little before bed.
They played...but it didn't wear Deegan out...he was still ready to play fetch as soon as we went to bed😒.

My ootd Thursday - both the shirt and shorts are from Target. 
I love the universal threads t-shirts, they're such a great price and super comfy.
I got these shorts a couple months ago and they are soo comfortable!! I ended up going back and getting the black pair too.

I got some stuff done around the house in the morning.

I went to turn on the tv (anyone else have to have it on in the background even if you're not actually watching??) and it had no picture...thankfully I figured out it was the HDMI cable but I felt I had a "radio" all morning listening to Hoda and Jenna😂.

I ran up to mom and dads to check on the pool. I have no idea what the water test strips mean so I'm going to have to google it! everything was either to low or to high but we'll get it figured out.

When I got back to town I ran by the post office (I sold my first item on poshmark!! I'm really not making much but its not like I was really wasting time posting them so I don't mind, I'll share the link with you guys soon!) 
Then I ran Joe some lunch and sat with him and talked while he was on lunch break.

I had to run by Hyvee to get buns for my lunch and then got the grill going as soon as I got home.

My yummy lunch. I grilled up some chicken brats I found at Costco when mom and I were there a couple weeks ago and had moms homemade applesauce as a side.

Here are the brats I got, they have other flavors but I just stuck with the plain ones and they were really good, I would definitely get them again!

Once I got done eating I wrote up the blog post for the homemade hamburger helper and got a few other things done on the computer. my little couch buddy's as usual😉.

So I was going through updating my Christmas Planner with gifts that I've bought and everything and I come across this shirt, I knew that I had bought Joe a t-shirt back in like March and was saving it for Christmas but didn't remember what one I'd got...well I bought this exact same shirt for him for his birthday without realizing I'd already bought this one😂. 

I did my moms hair later in the afternoon and Dublin fell asleep using her foot as a pillow, it was the cutest thing ever!! 
They love when grandma comes to visit. 

Dublins your leaving me face...😩.

When I got done with moms hair I had her run me out to Q pond to meet Joe where he was doing gym, they have a bunch of outdoor equipment.

One of our friends brought her dogs out there while she was training and oh my goodness...

They were so adorable!! 

Bedtime face...

My ootd Friday - I told Joe when I got home Friday that I need a mirror at home like they have at Target...they were so amazing with the lighting and everything!
My jacket I got at Platos closet on clearance for $7, my T-shirt is one of the Universal Thread shirts from Target and then my jeans are the Kan Kan jeans I got at Grassroots on sale a month or so ago.

Friday once I got up and around I ran to Des Moines to run a few errands. 
I had up a couple of the hair supply stores to get a few things and then had to return something at the mall and then headed to Target! I needed some new swimsuit bottoms (I found some on clearance for like $6!) and then got all the groceries I needed, of course I had to finish off Target with Starbucks! 

As soon as I got home I hit the ground running getting things ready for our family BBQ Saturday.

Learning that its ok to share our food is just so exhausting...😂

The first thing I made is some Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars - Recipe coming! 
While the peanut butter bars were baking I got my bananas ripened in the oven (if you haven't done this yet you totally need to, it works so well!).

Next on the list was banana bars. This is my grandmas recipe and its soo good! Typing out this post makes me want to make another batch😂.

After the bars were done I baked up the bacon for Joes smoked baked beans - I'll be sharing that recipe too! 

Daddy added a little of the leftover bacon grease to the dogs food and they were all about it😂.

I got the banana bars all frosted - We both had to taste test them...😉.

And finished the chocolate peanut butter bars off with frosting! I cannot wait to share this one with you guys it was soo good!! 

Once we got everything baked and cleaned up I sat outside and kept Joe company while he got the smoker going for the meat.

I lasted like a half hour and then I was so exhausted I had to go to bed so I finished the night with dog cuddles and Gilmore girls.

My ootd Saturday.

We had such an amazing day on Saturday! 
It was the day of our annual family BBQ with my moms side.
Once we got up and around we cleaned up the house and got everything ready, a friend of ours was going to my parents with us so Joe ran and picked him up and then we headed out to my parents around 11:30.

Once we got up to the house we had to finish making the queso and get all the meat warmed up that Joe smoked Friday night.

I thought it would be a great idea to get all the pool floats aired up...I made it through two floats before I gave up, I swear it took FOREVER, maybe not forever but like a good 10 minutes per float and I just don't have the patience for that. 
My uncle was kind enough to do the rest of them for the kids😂.

A few pictures from the day...

Mom with all of her siblings.

Growing up our families always spent SO much time together and as we've gotten older and the families have gotten bigger it gets harder and harder for everyone to get together but its so nice when we all can!
 I think every family struggles with getting together but it's so important for you to take that time and make an effort to see everyone.

Once everyone left the guys took advantage of the pool finally being empty and decided to relax, It was too cold out for me so I just sat with my feet in😊.

This kills me😂😂. I told my brother he looks like a character from the movie 300! Joe and Dean dunked him a couple times and the water was still a little chilly. 

This picture of Dublin mouthing off makes me smile every time I see it😂.

We headed home around 8:00 and Joe ran our friend home so I cuddled up with the doggies, Deegan was loving the eye rubbing.

Soo upset that momma wasn't throwing the ball for him😂.

It has been one heck of a week but it ended on such a high note, I hope you all had a great week!

I love this one that I'm sharing with you this week.
Joe and I were just talking the other day about being present in every situation, using every hour of your day wisely, etc. I think it is so important! All of us (I'm so guilty of this too) when we're spending time with other people whoever they may be we're staring at our phones looking at one thing or another instead of engaging with the people around us.
I'm also so guilty of just spending mindless hours on the internet during the day, I will admit there are some days that reading or doing anything having to think is too much for me so those days I think its ok for myself to sit and do that but even on those I'm trying to be more mindful of what I'm doing.
So I'll leave you with this. Spend your time intentionally! Whether you're at home (I know we all went to veg out sometimes and that's ok) or out with people, be present! I've been trying to do this the last few weeks and I tell you even though I haven't been perfect I've noticed a big difference.
Ok I rant over...😂 I hope you all have an amazing week ahead!


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