"Balance comes in the moments you stand up for the life you truly want by making the choices that align with that life" I’ve been seeing a lot of things about this around social media lately and it certainly is needed! What does finding balance look like for you? I think it’s going to look different for every person but is absolutely achievable (ok mostly). For me, like most of us, I’ve never had it before. I never even knew I needed it until I got sick. I was constantly on the go, constantly doing things and I don’t remember much down time. Don’t get me wrong, I would sit and watch plenty of movies and things like that but in the big picture, there was no self care, and that is so so important for all of us. Self care just like balance can look different for all of us, for some it could just giving yourself grace to let the laundry or that to do list sit go and watch a favorite show, for others it could be getting your hair done, a mani/pedi, going out to lunch...
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