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I quit Social Media for a week and this is what happened...

I quit Social Media for a week and this is what happened...

Life went on, I got a lot more done, spent less time on my phone and more time focusing on my surroundings, I actually felt a little lonely/disconnected.

To clarify, I did keep Snapchat! So many people communicate that way😏 that I decided to keep it. but I deleted Facebook and Instagram off my phone and iPad to help with the temptation.

In a lot of ways it was so freeing! I think so many of us are guilty of mindlessly getting on both of those apps and not even realizing until you've been scrolling for an hour...

I did spend more time on Pinterest😂 but at least thats a little more useful way to spend your time.

I did spend a lot less time on my phone/ipad and it was so nice. Whether I was at home, or out and about I was so much more aware of my surroundings.

I got so much more done around home because I wasn't wasting so much time sitting on the couch browsing. 

I actually felt a little lonely/disconnected! Joe deleted the app off his phone but still got on here and there and we both agreed you almost feel lonely not being on or on as much as normal, Isn't that sad!? Thats the way we feel connected to people these days...I missed out on a lot of "news" throughout the week not getting on.

So what did I learn from this?

I can totally live without it! The first few days were a little tough, I would find myself mindlessly going to click on the app that wasn't there anymore. But after that I got used to it and thats where the freeing part comes in I didn't feel tied down to it!

We are all guilty of spending WAY to much time staring at our phones...again it was so nice being on my phone less and having more time getting things done.

I need to keep in touch with people via text/phone calls, spending time with them in person, etc. Its so much more personal than keeping up on their lives through seeing post on facebook.

I decided at least for now to keep the apps deleted off my phone (I did add them back to my iPad) and only get on once or twice a day. I can definitely see how it would be easy to fall back into old habits so I've been making a conscious effort all day to stay off.

I highly suggest anyone who feels like they spend too much time/or even average amount, to take a little break for a week and see what happens. I'd love to hear in the comments if you've tried this and what you learned!

I thought this quote was fitting for this post...💜


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