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Weekly Recap November 11th - 24th

Get ready for a long one...I ended up doing two weeks in one post!

I have totally slacked on my weekly recaps the last couple weeks! I'm getting back on track though I really enjoy them😊.

Sunday was our family Thanksgiving on my moms side up North of Des Moines.
We always did them in the town my grandparents lived in and even though they've both passed away now my Mom still plans it in the same spot we had been doing them, there are quite a few of us so we rent a community center.

This year we had 57 people! My mom said this was the most we've ever had, my Grandparents would be proud that everyone is still getting together and getting along😉.

Mac and Cheese all ready to go! 
This and pickle roll up dip are always my go to for family get togethers.
Let me know in the comments what your favorite dish is to take to an event! 

Ok I have a problem...I totally love dressing the dogs up for Christmas😂.
After 7 years Dublin of course is used to fact I think he even enjoys the sweaters and coat since they keep him warm.
Deegan on the other hand...Apparently doesn't love the Santa hat😂, I am wanting to do a fun Christmas photo shoot with them so we're going to have to do some serious practice between now and then. 

After Thanksgiving Dinner we ran a couple errands and then headed home, by the time we got home we were both ready for an early bedtime.

Monday was infusion day. 
My appointment was at 12:00 in West Des Moines - Joe takes me to my infusions (they happen every 8 weeks) so he's able to work till 10:00 and have time to get ready and leave by 11:00
This was my first one that I didn't have to wait a half hour after my infusion was done (The first three the monitor you to make sure you don't have any reactions) so I'm there about 2 1/2 hours. I tried to stay hydrated before hand so she got the poke on the first try! Oh my gosh let me tell you...after my hospital stay it has taken everyone at least twice whether its drawing blood or putting an IV in.

It was just flurries...but I told Joe that morning the only thing that would make the day better is if it snowed, and it started on our way to Des Moines and flurried off and on most of the afternoon💜💜 There is nothing like snow to lift your spirits! - Ok I know not everyone agrees with that opinion...but Joe and I both feel that way! 

My momma brought me the new Magnolia Journal over her lunch break for me to read while I was sitting there. I usually watch something on Netflix but I've been trying to use electronics, etc. less often so this was the perfect way to pass the time😊.

Once I was done with my Infusion we ran to Costco to get a couple things, Well actually just to get water...but somehow left with some dog toys, a pair of jeans for Joe, and a sweatshirt for me, I feel like Costco's one of those places you black out and buy things you don't necessarily need...A little like Target😂, But seriously everything is such a good deal!

 I also took a few pics for Christmas ideas for my mom. 
Ok so this is actually the sweatshirt I bought...but they have a gray one too and I'm seriously in LOVE with this so I'm asking for the gray one too, and the gray fleece jacket...Mom and I ended up getting each other the same one in black last year! It's so comfortable and warm that when I saw it this year I knew I needed another one (Infact I was actually wearing it Monday). and the fuzzy socks? I've been seeing them everywhere this year! They look so comfy and cozy I had to add that as well.

After Costco we headed to the mall and got pretzels and sat in the massage chairs (Seriously one of our favorite and cheap date ideas!).

After that we decided to go see the new Grinch cartoon in Theaters.
It was really cute but to be honest we both agreed we like the originals better, it didn't follow the original story line. Definitely worth seeing though! especially if you have kiddos.

By the end of the movie the side affects from the infusion were starting to kick in (I get really tired, headache, and kind of a brain fog), We went by Jimmy Johns to get me some supper and headed home.

The day after my Infusions I always plan to not do much - I usually don't feel that great afterwards so its always full of rest and sweet doggie cuddles.

Lots of sweet cuddles!

Deegan found the sun Wednesday morning💙 He always has to be laying on something other than the hard of course the dog bowl rug counts right?

Usually I'm back up and going strong by Wednesday after my Infusions (I always do them on Mondays) But by Wednesday I still wasn't doing great (This was my first Infusion not taking prednisone so I'm guessing thats why I always bounced back a little quicker) - I had a hard time sitting I got some things done in the morning and by afternoon knew I needed to I spent the rest of the day on the couch with the puppies. 

I did manage to get a few presents wrapped in the morning, I love wrapping Christmas presents! all the different colored paper, bows, ribbons, fun gift tags, etc. Theres something about them and then seeing the pretty packages wrapped and sitting under the tree (Although by Monday night they had been moved around by a nosy little Dog...can you take any guesses as to which one it was?? 

Oh Deegan...You don't even realize your head gives it away...He walked into the living room like he had done nothing, without knowing he had gravy on his head from getting into the kitchen trash😂, He always keeps us entertained.

Those eyes....This is his "mommy I want to get in the tub with you but I'm too scared of the water" face.

Joe made a nice yummy meal of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and a roll - The perfect mostly bland but yet still tasty and high in protein meal😊.

I've been on a Hallmark Christmas movies kick the last few days but this afternoon I got hooked back on NCIS and finished my night with that.

Thursday I started the day with a little cleaning (I feel like I say that everyday?😂, I swear our house isn't a mess..I'm just very OCD!)

Keeping me company while I worked in the kitchen.

I had a massage in the afternoon and oh my gosh was it wonderful! I was loong overdue - If you're in need of a massage therapist I highly recommend Ashley at Massage by Ashley here in Osceola.

The rest of the afternoon I took it easy and cuddled up with these sweet babies.

Early morning cuddles Saturday after Daddy went to work.

Both of these guys got a bath Saturday morning - Dublins a champ, Deegan on the other hand thinks you're trying to kill him...We made it through with no crying so I'd call that a success! 

After baths I got a little more decorating done around the house (Larger tree skirt is on now that covers the stand!) This was my grandmas tree so I love having and being able to look at it every time I go into the dinning room!

Did I mention that it was snowing like crazy when I woke up?? In my opinion thats a perfect way for the day to start. 
That also meant it was a perfect day for a peppermint mocha latte! 
Did ya'll know you can buy the syrups at Starbucks?? That could be a bad thing...😂.

Headed to mom and dads to decorate for Christmas and Joe to put a heater core in his truck.

Adventures of car rides with no heat - Thank god for heated seats and doggie coats! 

More Saturday adventures😊 We had a great day in Leon helping decorate.
Joe finished putting the new heater core in his truck around 11:00pm and we headed home, it snowed all day Saturday so we had a long drive home but it was soo pretty!

Sunday we had to run a couple errands so we decided to drive around and check out some of the beautiful scenery.

Excuse the blinds...We can't keep them in working condition with Deegan in the house...But it's so beautiful with all of the Christmas lights. 

Evening cuddle time before bed.

My ootd Monday + a dog, because you can't do anything without them.

Monday morning I did my mother in laws hair 
And Dublin showed his frustration with not getting attention for 2 hours...

In the afternoon I decided to do some meal prep for the week so we were eating somewhat healthy before Thanksgiving.
I threw some chicken breast in the instant pot with some seasoning for 10 minutes and then made up some broccoli to go with Joes - so easy and healthy!

In the afternoon I started trying to prep and clean what I could for Thanksgiving.

I did my moms hair that evening and then crashed early!

Tuesday I continued to try to clean/prep what I could so I didn't have so much to do on Thursday.

I made pumpkin bread (recipe coming soon) and stored it in the fridge until Thursday morning so it wouldn't dry out (Thank you mom for that tip😉).

Then I did the Pioneer woman make ahead mashed potatoes - If you haven't tried this recipe before definitely look it up on her website! so easy and it was great just having to stick it in the oven on Thursday.

I did lots more cleaning/ organizing and then went and had dinner with a friend.

Of course evening cuddles before bed were a must.

Wednesday morning I cut my dads hair (Can you tell it was a week of hair for the family?? Got to look good for Thanksgiving!😉).

After dads haircut I worked on a couple more dishes for Thursday.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie and Pickle Roll up Dip (Both recipes coming soon).
I watched a thing on the news that said pickle roll ups/dip is an Iowa thing?? 
We had a friend here for Thanksgiving thats not from Iowa and he didn't know what it was so I guess thats true, but seriously they don't know what they're missing out on!

Joe and my brother went to the Thanksgiving Throwdown fights in Des Moines Wednesday night so mom and dad stopped to help me finish up a couple things.

I had every ambition of getting on my hands and knees to clean the floors (It looks so nice and streak free that way! I even use a norwex mop and still end up with streaks...) After my mom and Joe both telling me I really didn't need to do it and lets be real...By Wednesday night I was so exhausted I finally gave up on that one and I'm so glad I did, it was so muddy Thursday! 

A few photos from Thanksgiving...

We may have a small house..but its full of love! 💜

"Grandma why are all of these people here??"

Uncle Chris is a perfect place to chew on a bone right?

Our dogs love grandpa so much! 

Dublin just wasn't having it....😂.

Ya'll I am so Thankful for so many reasons...the last several years over the holidays I have been extremely sick (Now we know why!) This is my favorite time of the year and I was never able to enjoy it. 
We hosted Thanksgiving last year and Joe had to do 90% of the cleaning and help with the prep because I just wasn't able too.
I'm so thankful that I was able to get our house ready even when I get tired it's nothing like before.
I am also so Thankful for my momma...even though I am doing better this year she still did SOO much to help me!! she probably made just as much food as I did and came early Thursday morning to help me prepare and helped me clean everything up so I wasn't left with a mess at the end of the day (My OCD cannot handle that...).
I'm also Thankful for the friends and family that were around our table, we had us, my parents, Joe's mom, my brother, grandma, Joe's brother and new girlfriend (so brave coming and meeting new family! 😂we loved her though!), and a friend of Joe's that doesn't have any family in Iowa so we took him in for the day😉. It was such a great day of conversation, laughs, and love.
I hope you all had a blessed day with your family as well!

Joe and I headed to Des Moines mid morning on Friday to pick up a few gifts - We usually go up around 7-8am on Black Friday and don't deal with any lines or busy stores around that time...This year we didn't make it up till 11 or so and oh my gosh apparently everyone was on there second wind...everywhere was so busy! We didn't end up getting a lot and I decided that I am just going to do online and small business Saturday next year...I think I bought just as much online when we got home as we did in store!

Joe snapped this Friday cute! 
I seriously think these were one of my favorite purchases Friday!!😂😂.

Joes been wanting me to go hunting with him so bad and since it was so nice out Saturday (50's!)
I gave in and went - I actually did enjoy myself!
I told him it wasn't happening when its snowy and freezing though..

We didn't get anything but it was fun being out in nature and enjoying the beauty!

When we got home we got the outdoor decor put outside! the dogs go out the front door so we're limited on what we can do...aka I'm not going to go untangle them from everything every time they go out...😬.
I have ambitions of going bigger next year but 1 Joe won't let me climb a ladder to do the roofline and he's afraid of heights...and 2 I always wait till after Christmas to buy decor so you better believe I'll be picking some stuff up this year!

Joe was supposed to go help push snow in Des Moines Sunday so he was in bed by 6, I took advantage of that time to finish up the decor on the inside.
I was going to add clear lights to the greenery I added to the tops of the cabinets but when I found this strand of red I decided to go with that and I'm so glad I did!

Joe built this for me last year for Christmas. you can open the door and it stores keys inside.
I thought the Santa hat was a cute touch.

A Christmas decor post is coming soon, I've got a couple more things to finish up.

Dublin and I ended the night with some tv before bed.

I hope you all found something to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving and every day!


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