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Weekly Recap December 9th - 15th

Sunday we headed to Des Moines - We got a few errands done and then headed to the mall.

They were playing my absolute favorite movie (not just favorite Christmas movie, but favorite period!) at the theater. Joe and I and my parents went and it was so great. I told Joe I hope they play it every year, there is nothing like watching this movie on the big screen! 

We finished the night with blaze pizza, a peppermint mocha, and looking at Christmas lights😁.

My ootd Monday.

This is normal right...?😏. Keeping an eye on me while I did some kitchen work.

I spent Monday afternoon wrapping gifts and watching Christmas movies.

Monday night we headed to Des Moines for Joes dads surprise 50th Birthday party.

When we got home Dublin was all about the cuddles💙💙.

My ootd Tuesday. I have 9 Christmas shirts and I have been wearing them on rotation since the day after Thanksgiving! 

This is how the dogs felt about starting the day Tuesday😂.

I ran a few errands in the morning and then got busy baking! 
I got a batch of my grandmas butter sugar cookies baked (recipe coming!) 
and whipped up a couple batches of dough for snickerdoodles and peppermint chocolate chip cookies and got them all in the freezer. I'm so glad I've been doing this a little each week, we go all out baking and this is going to take a lot of the work load off next week! 

Hoping for some droppings?? 

My grandma went to Texas/Mexico last week and brought us back a couple ornaments, the Mexico one is soo pretty! and the other is a little sea turtle she got at the sanctuary in Texas, a great addition to our tree. 

A little afternoon cuddle break.

Once I got done baking I worked on a couple Christmas presents, this is one of them that I finished up! 

My brother came over for a haircut and got a little Deegan cuddles too😉.

I just can't get over the sweetness of these two....😊.

Aand I was totally kicked off the couch, they're so cute I have a hard time making them move.

I love waking up to the tree and the lights every morning! 

I wrapped Dublin up in the blanket before I got in the shower, I kept looking for him when I got out and forgot he was there! 😂😂.

The rest of the day Wednesday I did some housework, worked on some blog post, and relaxed.

This was what my meals consisted of...😑.

Thursday I was up bright and early to finish the second half of the "prep" for my colonoscopy...that stuff is so terrible!! 

I don't do well not eating...and not drinking - I was feeling pretty rough by the time we got to the clinic. Thankfully the procedure didn't take long  but we were disappointed in the results, my Dr scheduled an ultrasound next week for my liver and blood test this week and then I go back and see him in a couple weeks to find out his game plan moving forward. It certainly wasn't what I was wanting to hear but I'm always trying to stay positive😊.

As soon as we were done we headed to the mall for a pretzel to satisfy my starving stomach...and picked up Jimmy Johns for dinner - Definitely made up for me starving for over 24 hours! 😉.

Thursday was Deegans second birthday so they got a little treat...

Waiting for hamburgers from Daddy. 

And waiting so patiently for their new toys! 

We finished the night watching Fred Claus and went to bed early (Who else loves that movie??) 

My ootd Friday. 

Friday morning once I got up I did some cleaning around the house and then headed to the hospital to have my blood work taken and then ran a few errands. 

Once I got home I had some lunch and got to work wrapping some presents.
Just patiently waiting for me to give them their toys instead of wrapping...😏

And trying to help me wrap.

After wrapping I did some computer work and had some cuddle babies with me. 

Joe worked Saturday morning so I got some things done and then the dogs and I had a lazy morning.
I worked on some Christmas craft projects in the afternoon and then we decided to head to Des Moines for a date night.
We went to Applebees (I have a serious love of anywhere I can get a pretzel is where we eat, unless its pizza of course 😉.

Then we headed to the mall to look around and pick up a few gifts.
We had the best of intentions of going and looking at Christmas lights the time we left the mall we were both so tired we decided to head home and go to bed😂.
Ok I may have gotten something for myself too...😊 I got this super cute mug at Scheels for 50% off! 

This is something I'm slowly learning...I think we all could use this reminder that is ok to not do everything! 


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