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Weekly Recap January 20th - 26th


These pictures pretty much sum up our day on Sunday...Lots of puppy cuddles and relaxation!

Its the sweet little surprises I love...😊, Joe came home with this rose for me. 


Sweet daddy cuddles on Monday 
Joe had taken the day off for hunting but it was way to cold so we enjoyed a day at home relaxing. 


Tuesday was the day for my upper scope...They squeezed me in (Moved my appointment up a month after I had the scare on Tuesday with my joints) so once we got there Tuesday morning and got all settled in my bed I played the waiting game for awhile...I was super nervous about it but thankfully the anesthesia stuff they give you works very well and Really don't remember any of it...😂.
Once I got back into the little waiting area we met with the Dr - I was pretty disappointed, After finding out last week that my body has rejected the Remicade I thought I would find out what medication I would be starting, find out the results of the liver biopsy and find out the results of the upper scope all that day...Sadly that wasn't the case and we were still left waiting for answers😐 I know that's the way it goes but honestly I'm so tired of the waiting game!

Joe took me to get something to eat afterwards - Thank goodness, I don't do well not getting to eat for long periods of time, just ask anyone in my family😂😂. 
Once we got home Tuesday I was so exhausted from the day and the anesthesia I had an early night.


We got tons more snow overnight into Wednesday morning and it was so pretty!! 
But I was also snowed in so I took advantage of it and went back and forth all day between resting and getting little things done here and there.

Sweet puppy cuddles.

A couple things I got done...I've realized I need to come up with a way to hang my necklaces but its at least a little more organized after getting rid of a whole pile of things that are old/I don't wear anymore.
And then...I saw on instagram a new way to fold your jeans! (Ok I'm sure its not new but its definitely more efficient!) I was so excited about this😂 and I can't wait to refold everything else in my dresser!


So I don't know what the problem was on Thursday...I was up at 4:30 Wednesday to take my prednisone and I still barely slept...😏.

Soo I was up at 7:30 making scones and chocolate chip bars...I have to say though they were so delicious! I'll post the recipe soon - I did a batch of cinnamon chip and a batch of chocolate chip and then froze some for later.

Also...whens the last time you checked the date of your baking powder?? Obviously it had been awhile for me...When I went to tan I ran to the store and picked up a new can😂.

Sweet boys taking care of daddy💙 -  Joe had two wisdom teeth removed so they were trying to comfort.

I was sooo excited for this package to arrive! Last week they were running a buy two get two special so I took advantage of it and ordered these (the 4th item is a gift so I didn't include that in the photo😉) 
I used all of these before bed and it did help me relax, it was so great!

Frozen pizza and NCIS for healthy😂.


My ootd Friday - Something I've tried to do since I was diagnosed with the Crohn's is put on a cute outfit, do my hair, and makeup. Some days I get all three done, other days none of I got the outfit down, even one things an accomplishment some days!
I love some good bargains as you know.
This top I got at Target a few weeks ago on clearance for $13, the tank top I got last summer at Walmart on clearance for $2, and the jeans are Gap that I got at style encore for $1! 
Whole outfit for under $20 Is pretty great if I do say so myself😉.

Doesn't look good...but so delicious!
I went and tanned once I got up and around and went and picked up some applesauce for Joe and decided to pick up one of my favorite soups - This is the Progressive Chicken Pot Pie soup, I have to pick out the peas and corn since I can't eat those but its so worth it. Im on the hunt to find a recipe similar to this I can make at home as I hate buying canned soup but sometimes its better than fast food!

I got two things accomplished today...I got all of the laundry sorted and folded, and organized my towel drawer in the kitchen. It's not much but on sick days it feels like a lot😊.

The makings for deliciousness...

Who here has had a tuna melt? I had my first one a few weeks ago my friend made me when I was over at her house and oh my gosh so good...I've seen these on restaurant menus and Joe loves to get the tuna at subway and I thought he was crazy for it but I totally understand now! 
Its a new favorite and if you take away the chips is even somewhat healthy😉.

We ended the night cuddled up on the couch watching tv.


Saturday morning cuddles💚.

I ran a few errands Saturday morning and then picked up Subway for myself for lunch - Poor Joe is still on soft foods only so he's been living off of mashed potatoes, pudding and applesauce.
Whats your go to sandwich at subway?? I'm super boring now that I can't eat veggies - I get a cold cut with mayo (I totally branched out today and put salt/pepper and chipotle, I know, I know...totally getting crazy😂).

When I got home I finally got around to putting the scones I had flash frozen into food saver bags.  I love that I'll have these ready to throw in the oven last minute when we're craving some! 

These sweet boys have done such a good job trying to take care of daddy😊.

That face...😂.

I picked up a couple of these Real good food frozen dishes last week and finally got around to trying this one for supper. It wasn't bad and if I do end up needing to go gluten free they would be a good go to but this one was a little bland...I think they'd be great with a little marinara sauce or something. If you're looking for a healthier frozen snack to have on hand these would be a good option! (Found at Walmart).

We finished the night watching the Bellator fights on tv - Well Joe did, I made it through like 4 fights before I was out😂.


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