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Weekly Recap March 10th - 16th

Weekly Recap March 10th - 16th
I hope you all like dog pictures because theres a lot of them this week...well there probably is every week but they're just too darn cute.

My ootd Sunday - my parents got me this top from Kohl’s for Christmas and it’s so comfy to wear with leggings! 

Sunday was my dads birthday so my parents, brother, and grandma came over for lunch to celebrate. 

We’ve still been having fun experimenting with the air fryer so we tried our homemade French fries and sweet potato fries, they were so yummy! 

The sweet potato ones look a little dark because I reheated them in the toaster oven but I don’t normally like sweet potato fries and I loved these! 
Joe smoked a beef loin and he chopped up some potatoes and put them on there too and did smoked mac and cheese in a Dutch oven, oh my goodness I told him I don’t know if I can do regular Mac and cheese again or was soo delicious! Then mom made some angel food cake for us and a keto cheesecake for them for dessert😋 they stayed for awhile in the afternoon and it was such a nice relaxing day! 

Just visiting with the grandmas. 


Chris and Deegan couldn’t hang. 

My ootd Monday - this is one of the shirts I got for $2 at the outlet place last week! It’s so soft and comfy. 

I headed to my infusion Monday morning and then rushed home to my leftovers that I was thinking about all morning😂
It was all just as delicious as it was the first time😉.

Then in the afternoon we just had some puppy cuddles and ear rubs. 

Morning cuddles on Tuesday - These two are not morning doggies.

My ootd Tuesday


Dublin had himself a nice little barrier to keep Deegan away😂.

He seriously thinks the table is there just for him to lay on, then you add a nice comfy sleeping bag (I laid it out to air dry and he took over).

Both dogs were feeling like they needed some cuddles in the morning.

I had my infusion Thursday morning - I do think it has started to help a little with my energy levels!

Thursday was national Pi naturally I needed some pizza! 
I stopped at Caseys on my way home to get some.

Ear rubs are the best.

Thursday night I remembered I had been saving a piece of chocolate peanut butter pie in the freezer for my uncle...(Sorry uncle Steve!) so in honor of national pi day...I had that too😂.

Friday I had a dentist appointment in the! 
Joe was worried about me driving myself afterwards so he took the day off to take me to the appointment.

My ootd Friday.

I swear the change in the weather has made Dublin a whole new dog and I love it! Joe thinks his hips aren't bothering him so much now, He's been so feisty and playful - hence him jumping on the table like a puppy😂.
I know...they shouldn't be on the table.
1. people let there cats on the table
2. I wipe it down each time we eat at it 

Deegan trying to make me feel better after the dentist...😊.
I ended up having 2 teeth pulled and 1 or 2 cavities fixed (It was a blur, I can't remember!)
I hadn't been to the dentist in years...the one I grew up going to I felt like I was never numbed enough and even just getting a cavity filled was so painful.

Then you add having the crohn's for 10 plus years and how malnourished I have been I had a lot of teeth that were decaying, so...I have to go back and have 4 more pulled and a couple more cavities fixed, I have to plan around my injections (You can't have any open wounds, etc when getting the injections or it can cause infection and a whole slew of other issues) so I'll be going over the course of the next few months to get it all fixed.

I was sooo nervous going in but it was nothing compared to having teeth pulled in the past! Of course its not fun and neither is the recover but I'm not scared to go anymore!

Since we knew we wouldn't be doing much all weekend we stopped at the store to stock up on soft foods and rented a few movies from Redbox.

I've been wanting to watch A Star is Born since I saw the first commercial for it but it looked so intense and I have to be in just the right mood! We took the plunge and rented it and I'm so glad we did! It was such a good movie, I highly recommend checking it out.

We also rented Home Again and Instant family, both were good movies and we'll definitely be buying Instant Family!

My clearance finds from Walmart - I've been eyeing the candle on the left for the last few weeks when we've gone and finally took the plunge and got it, I have a serious candle addiction but always try to get them on sale! 
The citronella candle was about $10 off so we grabbed that up and I knew it was probably time to retire the Christmas phone case...and this was on sale from $20 to $5! I love the colors and its super durable.

Deegan hoping I'll share a little of my shake, I didn't.

Soaking up all of the mommy cuddles.

And enjoying having daddy home too.

Just drooling all over my pj's...but he's so cute!
Also I really need to paint that dresser, we've had it like 4 years😂, I have a game plan for it though that I'll be sharing with you soon.

Saturday mornings are rough...

My ootd Saturday - I was on the struggle bus but tried to look as cute as possible with a swollen face😉.

We ran some errands Saturday morning and decided to check out the Outlet store uptown again - We hit the jackpot!

We've been needing a rug at the front door for awhile but they have to be super low, I Found this one for $6 and I love that it matches the rest of the living room!

A couple months ago I found a couple of these Essie Gel nail polishes up there with the top coat that makes it gel - I fell in love with them! You don't have to use the light to harden them and they last soo much longer than regular nail polish - I had given up painting my nails because it would chip off in a day or two, these last weeks! my cost at the supply store for these is $4 and I got each one of these for  $1.60! I put the light purple on my hands and dark on my toes, I love the colors.
I'm a sucker for cheap makeup...I got the NYX eyeliner for around $1 and the Ecotools powder brush for $4.

Ive been wanting some dessert or appetizer plates for a long time now but couldn't find anything I like in a reasonable price range.
I found these for $5.20 a box!! they're normally $24 a box...which to me is way to much for 4 plates...😏 I got 3 boxes so we would have plenty when we do family dinners or whatever.

They are the perfect size and I love the details on them, and they're dishwasher safe which is a win in my book.

Joes mom came over Saturday afternoon for lunch and brought this sweet old guy, he's 11 years old and doesn't get around so good anymore so we're always happy when he gets to come visit!

Just crowding Dublin so he'll share the toy.

After Joe's mom left we headed out to East Lake for Joe to sight in his bow, it was still a little chilly but soo beautiful out!

"Come on daddy just throw the toy for me"

And then waiting patiently for us to come to bed.

And Dublin had to bring his bowl to bed😂.

In Honor of St Pattys day I thought this was fitting😀.


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