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Weekly Recap April 21st - 27th

Ok guys I'm finally back on the weekly recaps! I got so behind the last few weeks I couldn't remember everything I'd done to write a post😂.

I'll do a little highlight of the last few weeks to start us off...

Sunday date day - Mall massage chairs, we tried out Angry Golfish for the first time (Sooo amazing!) Starbucks, and taking the long way home.

Enjoying the beautiful weather, and weekly meal prep for Joe and fridge organization.

Impromptu date day - So fun to go get breakfast at Panera, stop at Starbucks, and then finished the day with riding practice.

Celebrating Joes moms Birthday, and puppy cuddles of course.

My first Stelara injection (First dose was infusions, from now on will be injections), went well! 
When we got back to town we went for a walk and Joe got some target practice in.

Drs checkup - Overall it went well. We found out I have Alpha 1 deficiency which affects your lungs and liver (Completely unrelated to the Crohn's disease) but still thinking positive😊.
After my appointment we headed to Cedar Rapids for the weekend. 
We checked out Tomaso's Pizza and then headed to the weigh ins for the fights Saturday (Joe wasn't fighting, We went to watch a few of his friends)
The dogs were clearly in good hands with grandpa and grandma.

Saturday in Cedar Rapids - We explored everything (Uhm did anyone realize how small Cedar Rapids actually is??😂).
We checked out New City Market - I highly recommend if you're over there, lots of small businesses to support.
For dinner before the fights we checked out Emil's Hideaway and were not disappointed!
We went to the fights with my brother, friend Alex, and his girlfriend Rachel.
And YAY the main friend we went to watch one his fight!

We made a pit stop on our way home in Williamsburg at the Outlet, How could you go by and not stop?? I found soo many amazing deals!
I got this bracelet at the New City market and love what it represents 😊.
The dogs had a great time with Grandpa and Grandma all weekend but they were definitely happy to have us home😉.

This pink Columbia mom got it last summer over there but couldn't wear it around me until Christmas because she got me a blue over there😂, but I was so excited to get the pink one like hers too! and for only $13!
I picked up these Azaleas at Aldi for like $7 on Friday and they're holding up so well! I'm not a plant person...
After puppy cuddles Joe and I headed out for a walk and then to the outdoor workout area at Q pond (If you didn't know about it I would check it out! its great having something like that in town) and there were lots of deer to keep us company during our workout.

Mom and I had a long but such amazing day...One of my best friends since we were tiny had a baby! we headed down to Topeka to spend some time with Melissa, Amanda, and their mom Charlene, and of course to meet baby Bobby! and the dogs had to get in on the fun of course.

One of my favorite things to do for every holiday...I love making and decorating Sugar cookies.

We had such a great Saturday - We started out heading to a bike blessing at the Harley dealership in Indianola with my brother and some friends. 
When we got home we headed out for a walk.
When we got home Joe worked on a car for a friend so the dogs and I spent some time outside keeping him company and then I got to work prepping everything for Easter.
My first time making homemade rolls was a success, and so easy! I'll be posting the bread/roll recipe this week.

Now onto the weekly recap...

Sunday was Easter and we were hosting, So we were up bright and early to start getting things ready.

Once we got up and around for breakfast I threw in the toaster oven a breakfast pizza I had made up awhile back when we were making homemade pizzas. 
So yummy and nice to have something quick and easy on such a busy day.

The first thing I got started on was making Oreo Fluff - this is a must have in my family for years! I'll put together the recipe and share soon.

Along with the ham mom made Joe smoked a lamb and a beef loin, I didn't partake in the lamb...but the beef loin was yummy! 

Throughout the morning I worked on Chocolate peanut butter pie and a few things around the house.

This made us laugh...😂.
I ran by Joes moms to let Max out and pick up her food to bring since she was working, and picked up our Easter Bags.
This is what I call "adult" easter bags, she told us we needed more smoke alarms but knew we wouldn't buy them ourselves.

Tada...Finished pie! this recipe is already posted on the blog and makes two, you can have one now and freeze one for later!

It was such a beautiful day out Sunday...once I got the pie finished I had a little time to kill before mom got there to help, So I sat outside and kept Joe company.

1 of like 10 pictures...😂 It's so hard to get a good one getting the dogs to look.

Only mid day and already worn out.

A few pictures from the afternoon...

Thankfully my mom helped out and did most of the after dinner we sat and relaxed and then Joe and I finished off the day with a motorcycle around town.

This is how the dogs felt about Monday morning...and I totally don't blame them, I was in the same boat😂.

My goal for Monday was to try and relax, I'm not doing so great at that and my body is definitely telling me so😏.
I took it easy most of the morning and then headed to have lunch with Joe.
When I got back from lunch with him I tried to do a workout video my mom and I have done for years, I made it through half the 15 minute workout, its a tough one! and I'm not so in shape these days😂.
When I got done with that I spent some time outside with the dogs letting them play and did some raking in the yard.
I was so proud of Deegan...we've been working with him on his "wildness" to put it of them is going crazy barking at neighbors and their dogs...he just sat here and quietly watched the neighbor and his dog the whole time they were outside, its great to see these little break throughs with him!

Ok like I said, I'm not great at relaxing. But after those two activities I headed back inside and parked myself on the couch for the rest of the day! 

Leftovers are the best...especially when I won't need to cook all week.

One of the things I worked on in the afternoon was planning out our summer schedule. I know we're not the only ones, especially if you have kids in sports, but I feel like we have something every weekend! So to make sure we actually get to do some of the things we want to this summer...I filled in all the dates we already have things going on so we know when our open weekends are, I'm working on a summer bucket list with indoor/outdoor and varying price points.

I know you all missed all my puppy cuddle photos...😂.

Bedtime cuddles.

Blurry...but my ootd. I got this top at a boutique in Indianola last weekend on sale for $12! It was a little out of my comfort zone but I LOVE it! 

I had to run to Des Moines in the morning and grabbed myself Starbucks for breakfast😊.

Puppy cuddles for the win in the afternoon.

Always keeping me company while I was doing computer work

Catching up on last weeks movie.

I've been feeling smothered lately by everything in our house, one of the side affects of crohn's you could say...Our house really wasn't dirty but I had a few projects going so I felt like the whole house was out of sorts. One of the things I decided to do was go through everything in my tool box etc. and see what I could pair down or get rid of, One of the projects Tuesday afternoon was going through all the markers and seeing what worked and what I could get rid of. 
Anyone that knows me well, knows I love color. This page with all of its color makes me so happy😊.

When Joe got off work we ran up to Ankeny for him to help a friend work on his car, I took the opportunity to get us Hardee's while I was watching them work on the truck. I never get to eat here and there hot ham and cheese I could seriously eat alll the time, such a basic sandwich but so good! 

When we got back home the dogs and I hung out side with Joe while he tinkered with his bike, Deegan was trying to help of course😉.

Wednesday ootd.

Deciding whether to chop or not chop my hair off...

Finished product! I decided to keep the length and just trim (very important to get trims even when you're trying to grow) and lightened the color more.

I made them wait a few minutes to get them food...this is the look I got. 

Joe and I ran to Walmart when he got off work and I found these at the checkout. Seriously my new favorite thing!! I got the strawberry too and they taste just like the regular size, maybe even better! 

After we got home from Walmart we got to work on cleaning up the garage, we got probably about halfway done. We still have so much to throw away of things we don't need...But we made great strides with it! 
Last summer Joe ran a little gym out of it and we're trying to get it cleaned and organized so he can get going with it again. 

After we finished in the garage we watched one of my hallmark movies and mysteries movies I had recorded. 

This face...I woke up in the middle of the night to that staring at me😂😂😂.

Thursday ootd. 

One of the last times mom or I made breakfast casserole I took the leftovers and wrapped them in individual pieces and threw them in the freezer for quick meals, I put this one in the fridge the night before and had it for breakfast Thursday. I love that I had a quick and easy/healthy meal to warm up. 

I ran a couple errands in the afternoon Thursday and then the dogs and I cuddled the rest of the afternoon. 

We decided to have loaded nachos for supper, It's kind of boring with out all of the salsa and peppers but it was still really good.

Hoping I'll share a piece.

We decided to watch Dukes of Hazard, we hadn't seen it in quite a few years and we both forgot how funny it was! 

The rest of the night was full of movies and doggie cuddles.

Friday ootd. 

I spent most of the day Friday doing a good cleaning of every room of the house, and this was how the dogs felt about it...So sad I wasn't giving them my full attention.

One of our favorites to throw on the grill for a side during the summer, I'll put together a recipe soon!

Then this happened....a little butter fire is all😏.

But...even though they look a little crisp that's the way we like them, they actually still turned out great! 

My Saturday be real with you all I have seriously struggled the last couple weeks with my weight, I literally gained about 10lbs within a day of going off the prednisone I couldn't understand how I could just gain that much weight when I hadn't changed my diet at all. Well after doing some research I learned of all the side affects that can happen AFTER prednisone of them being fluid retention, If I'm on my feet for more than a couple hours it gets soo much worse, I'm glad to know what's causing the issue but it doesn't help that nothing fits right and the fact it may take awhile for all the side affects to go away...Let me tell you, I'm determined to not go back on it for awhile! 

Morning cuddles while I have my breakfast.

Waiting on my prom girl...Prom was one of my favorite things to do, I had one of my longtime client families ask me to do her daughters senior prom hair and I jumped on the opportunity! 

Once I was done Joe and I ran to the store to pick up a few things and happened to end up coming home with these🤷‍♀️.

My dad stopped in the afternoon and Dublin was so happy to see grandpa.

I know, I know...Our dog shouldn't be on the table, we're working on so many other things with him right now I didnt want to take away all of his joy😂, So here he is chewing on his bone on the table. 

We rented Holmes and Watson and watched it Saturday afternoon. Generally anything with these two is so funny but to be honest neither one of us was impressed at all. 

I wasn't feeling that well so we spent the rest of the evening watching movies on the couch. 

I love sharing these little quotes at the end of each week with you guys and I hope that you're inspired by each one of them as much as I am! 


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