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Weekly Recap - July 7th - 13th

This is how Deegan felt about starting the week. He just wasn't having it, but really that's everyday.

Once we got up and around we decided to go out to the trail to walk and do some of the outdoor exercise equipment. 

We didn't make it far, but its progress for me and it was fun! 

After that we headed up to the Broken Spoke (A bar here in town) they were doing a little vender fair and my cousin and his wife were set up there so we stopped to visit for a minute.
Once we got home from that we decided to ride the bike up to Des Moines and around.

We took our time riding around and then finally settled on something for supper...I gotta admit its hard enough deciding what to eat but man on Sunday afternoon its even harder because so many things are closed! We were going to try a new Italian restaurant we rode by and had been talking about trying, We got in the parking lot and realized they were closed. So we settled on Pancheros, we used to eat here all the time and it always made me sick...well now we know why, this was only my second time trying it since last summer and I didn't do too bad! which is exciting because I loove Pancheros! 

After we ate we headed back home.

Obviously they thought they needed some attention after being neglected all day, I didn't have a problem doing that. 

We rented the new Captain Marvel movie and I really wasn't feeling it so I started working on last weeks weekly recap.

I decided to do a face mask and this one is my absolute favorite! It smells soo good.

If you haven't heard of perfectly posh you're missing out, they're made with a lot more natural products. If you want to try it out let me know and I'll give you my cousins website info for it! 

This was Deegan's I'm ready to go to bed face.
Not really but it was pretty cute.

My ootd Monday - this shirt is so fitting, and so comfy! I didn't do much makeup or anything with my hair, I'm trying to let it air dry with plenty of moisturizing products.

I decided to watch some episodes of Fixer Upper while I did some computer work and cuddled with the puppies.

Oh this face kills me...I accidentally caught his tale in the screen door and he legit thought I was trying to kill him😂 I felt bad but his reaction was too funny. 

Dublin thought he needed some extra lovins naturally.

For lunch I had leftover hamburger helper and some bread and butter.

While I was getting my lunch ready I decided since I still had my hair tote out to go through and clean all my tools. I soaked all the brushes in some barbiside, cleaned up the clipper guards and put all the combs and clips in the dishwasher.

After lunch I decided to head up to my parents and spend some time in the pool.
When I got up there I started out with the skimmer getting it cleaned, relaxed on the floaty a little and then swam a little. I'm loving the pool exercises! 

When I went to leave I saw their little groundhog friend hanging out by the steps again. I know they're a nuisance and they're going to have to get rid of it but he's so darn cute!

When I got home I spent some time outside with the dogs waiting for Joe to get home from work. Dublin loves soaking up the sun! 

I hung outside with Joe for a bit while he was getting the gym ready for people to come and then headed inside to make supper. I looked over and found Deegan on the table watching me cook.

Im trying to eat a little healthier...for me at least - what's healthy for me is certainly not what's healthy for most people. I haven't done eggs in awhile so I thought I'd try them again. I love the Applegate farms chicken and maple sausage links but of course I couldn't find them here in town so I just got regular ones. I won't be doing that again...But the rest of my supper was delicious! 

After I got done eating I went back outside to hang out. I snapped this after most people had left but Joes taekwondo instructor came over to help teach a little bit. 

I got up in the middle of the night and came back to find Dublin like this...I died😂.

I took these of the dogs before I got out of bed Tuesday morning. We were all trying to sleep in but my neck pain was bad enough that wasn't happening😞.

My ootd Tuesday - I have so much moisturizing products in my hair I didn't even bother doing anything with it accept putting it in a half pony. I wasn't feeling that great and my stomach was hurting so I went with a comfy outfit for the day, both from Target! 

I spent some time outside with the puppies after I got ready for the day - Does anyone else love going outside periodically when the airs going during the summer!? Sometimes I just need break from the cold house and loove sitting outside and thawing out for a little bit. Maybe it's just me?😂.

I worked on the blog for a little bit and then headed to have lunch with Joe. 

When I got home I got back to work on the blog and Deegan cuddled right up to my back.
I'm sitting on the floor to try to have my computer the right height for my line of site and typing. I think it's helping?? 

Don't worry, Dublins not far😉.

Shortly after I got home my mom texted me asking me to go put her crockpot on low, Her crockpot is wifi and she has an app on her phone to control that (Isn't it crazy what technology can do now days!?) But it wasn't working and no one was home so I ran up there and fixed it for her. 
The pups and I decided that was a good excuse to go get some ice cream.

Dublin pretty much ate his in one bite, I had to hold Deegan's for him so he could take his time, this dog kills me.

And one for me! I grabbed a pint to take home and put in the freezer since I'm going to the dentist tomorrow and will be on soft foods for a few days😬.

The car ride and ice cream was just exhausting for these two apparently😂.

It never fails...this is why I own very little white clothes😒 I realized when I got home I dropped ice cream on my shirt...

I decided to start Hart of Dixie over while I was working on the computer - Does anyone else hate when your favorite show gets canceled?? I'm not even kidding every single show I start to get into they cancel, including this one😒 but at least they ended it on a good note.

My supper - again😂 I could seriously eat this every night. What is something you could eat everyday?? Let me know in the comments! 

After supper I decided to take some pictures for an upcoming blog post. Hopefully you guys love it! 

After I did that and got everything put away I headed to bed. Joe was down in Leon at the gym and I wasn't feeling so hot so I took my Benadryl at like 6:30 and tried to go to bed.
I was starting to get such a bad neck and head ache (I separate head ache because It definitely wasn't a normal headache or even a migraine...😔) By the time Joe got home around 9:30 I was still wide awake from the pain.

It ended up being a LONG 1:00AM still without being able to sleep from the pain being so bad I finally woke Joe up bawling...I decided to try and take a shower to see if that helps and it was still so painful. I finally gave in and agreed to go to the ER so we got ready and headed to Des Moines. 
We got up there around 2:00 and the ER dr determined that it is nerve pain which is why massage, chiropractor, etc. wasn't helping with the pain. He prescribed me some pain pills specific to nerve pain and then I see my primary physician Monday and see what he wants to do, the nurse in the ER suggested Physical Therapy so we're going to ask my dr about that too and check into some other options as well.

This was my treat for being up all night and spending half of it in the ER - Starbucks at 5:00AM😂😂.

When we got home we went straight to bed, we were both so exhausted! Joe 'Kind of' slept but he couldn't knowing I wasn't doing so hot.

We finally woke up around 12:00 or so and I was so miserable still just from being exhausted and in pain so long that we decided to have a slow day (Joe stayed one since we didn't get home till after he was supposed to be at work and to make sure I was still ok. We  got ready and headed to Walmart to fill my prescription, thankfully they gave me my first dose of the medicine in the ER so I could get a jump start on the pain management. 

I don't know if its a good thing or a bad thing that when I went to pay for my medicine (The pain medicine and refilling my zofran) the lady told me it was no charge and then I realized we must have it the deductible. When we got home I got online on our Bluecross account and yep, we hit it on pharmacy and dr visits. I am super glad we don't have to pay anything the rest of the year😂.
Anyways, we stopped and got subway for a late lunch and then decided to watch the new Murder Mystery movie on Netflix that has Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston, we thought it was great and would definitely watch it again! 

The rest of the afternoon we just had lots of cuddles. 

And into the evening😂. 
Mashed potatoes for supper and so yummy even if they were both from a package😂.
We were both still so exhausted so we headed to bed early. 

No ootd Thursday - I was in comfy clothes. When I got up and around Thursday I headed to get labs done (For the Stelara I get labs done quarterly to make sure all of my levels are still where they should be) It took to lab techs to get my blood drawn😏 but the one that got it done was a client until I closed up the salon so it was fun catching up with her😊.

I was going to run a couple errands but I was so tired still I just headed home. 
We picked up a rotisserie chicken, some rolls, a packet of mashed potatoes and chicken gravy when we were at Walmart Wednesday. Joe took all the chicken off the bone and made up the mashed potatoes and gravy so I could have easy somewhat healthy meals the next few days. It was delicious!! 

Who knows what show this is?? Let me know in the comments! 
Once I got settled on the couch I started watching it and trying to rest a little bit, I was definitely feeling better than Wednesday but still on the mend. 

These two had been pretty cooped up the last couple of days so I tried to let them be outside as much as possible Thursday. They were sitting so cute here I had to snap a picture.

I tried to open the windows since it was so nice outside. Deegan went straight to this window, He loves laying there watching everything out there! 
I lasted like 20 minutes with them open and started having a yard time from the humidity😒. I shut them back up and was still struggling a bit so I just took it easy the rest of the afternoon.

And so did Dublin😂.

I had the same thing for supper as I did for lunch, accept for an extra roll, because they are DELICOUS. We get the artisan rolls I can't remember what brand, I'll have to take a picture of the package!

Joe was doing gym so after supper I headed outside to hang out and watch.

Perfect timing...😂 He was trying to a fly right as I went to take a picture.

I brought the dogs outside for the last hour or so they were doing gym. Dublin gets to wander around the yard and I was working with Deegan on his commands with the distractions of all the people in the gym.

For bedtime Deegan felt like he need to be RIGHT next to in laying on me.

My ootd Friday. 
My breakfast Friday. Are y'all getting tired of seeing toast yet?? Me neither😉.

So sweet...Always gotta be near momma but just not ready for the day yet. 

I went out to my parents to clean the pool and Deegan was loving the sprayer on the hose😂
I ran home to get Joe after work so we didn't have to drive separate after my brothers bonfire and he brought these babies home from work. I am soo excited to do some projects with them! 

A few dog photos from the night...cause they're just so cute.

We had such a fun night with everyone and didn't get home till like 1:00AM..that is so not us😴.


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