I’ve been struggling with this for many many years, long before I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease July of 2018. I have missed numerous events whether they be with friends, family, or just something Joe and I had planned, big or small I’ve missed everything. Weddings, birthdays, hangout times, family dinners, etc. Some people were very understanding and others not so much. Even close family didn’t understand, they just thought I’d get myself worked up, make myself sick, and then back out of whatever event I was supposed to be involved in, and I know a lot got frustrated with me. I haven’t been a good friend over the last 7-8 years and I honestly have no problem admitting that because it’s the absolute truth. At the time I really didn’t understand why, sometimes I was tired, didn’t feel good, or honestly just scared of going out and doing things in fear of getting sick or even getting so tired that I wouldn’t be able to do anything the next day or...
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