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September Recap

September Recap

I finished out the month of September with 8 physical therapy appointments, 5 doctors appointments, 2 different test, and 1 minor say it was a busy month would be a complete understatement! At least for me that is, I started the month reeling from a week of camping and I still don’t think I’ve fully recovered, being on the go that much I don’t think I had time. It sounds crazy because obviously the time put into those is nothing like someone who works a full time job, but probably a part time! But it was all so much for me to handle. 
I had my injection on September 30th so I know/hope between that and the procedure I had done it will add some more energy into the mix! 
I honestly didn’t get much done over the month other than resting, I’ve slowly been building up an arsenal of blog post for you guys so I can get them out regularly and thought September would be the month to start sharing and when the exhaustion hit I knew that needed to take a back burner to my health. I’m planning to slowly start getting some more content out for you guys in October and I’m pretty excited to share it with you! 

Naturally I would need to start this post off with a puppy picture...It wouldn't be me if I didn't! 

We snagged this toaster at Walmart for 50% off!! They were having TONS of great clearance sales. 

I thought I'd show what else I got that trip, If you use binders for anything these reinforced papers are amazing, I use these shower caps on my non hair washing day (every other day), Joe found the Pure ZZZ sleep aid a couple months ago and I've been taking two a night since, plus Benadryl 😳, It takes ALOT for me to be able to sleep, And last but not least I found these pumpkin spice truffles for cookies and had to try them out too. 

Another sweet puppy picture, He doesn't want in the bath with me but he wants to be as close as possible, and maybe drink the bath water😒.

I got this sweatshirt a few months ago at Marshalls and its one of my favorites and so comfy! 

I did such a fun color on Joe, This one looks like an easy one but actually was one of the hardest! 

And maybe started watching Christmas movies...I promise I'm trying to do it sparingly! 

Could you get any closer Deegan?? 

I had JUST bought a new container of parmesan cheese...and We came home one night to the whole bottle eaten...Does that face look guilty at all?? 

I came across this picture and thought I'd share with you all if you like to do pie filling or applesauce or anything. 

I may have dressed Dublin up...He wasn't impressed but he lets momma do whatever I want.

I had LOTS of naps and puppy cuddles. We didn't put my sandals like that on Dublin, he did. 

We ate at Angry Goldfish, We got free drinks that were delicious and as I'm typing this now I'm craving these pretzels! 

I picked up this trio crockpot for only $13!! Mom got one this winter and we're pretty excited to have two of them and have been trying to figure out ways to use them often😂 They definitely come in handy around the holidays. 

Joe had a fight. 

And a super fun after party at one of his sponsors bar, Westside. 

So many puppy kisses. 

Someone tried to steal my motorcycle...😬. We took all the motorcycles to my parents shop that afternoon. 

I tried to hold onto what was left of summer with my favorite Express shorts. 

And started decorating for fall! I'll let you in on a secret...I'm not finished...I'll probably finish in time to start my Christmas decorating 🤷‍♀️
I did some meal prepping for Joe. Rice, Teriyaki Chicken, and Veggies. He does smoothies most days for breakfast and lunch but I did some prep for his dinners too. 

I watched one, or two, or more...Hallmark Movies and Mysteries movies.

I went to visit a friend. How cute is Cooper?? Cooper is one of THREE dogs they have, another lab, and a German Shepherd puppy, they're all equally as adorable I assure you. 

And helped her take some ADORABLE pictures of her daughter. 

I don't know why it turned this sideways...😒.
Joe and I started doing a once a week night where we leave our phones in another room, read a chapter of this book, and answer a couple questions from the "about me" book. 

This is what happens anytime I get on the floor to do my shoulder exercises...

I decided since I had a hair appointment soon I'd have a little fun and use a hot pink shampoo on my hair, It was such a fun color and I'll definitely be playing with it next summer. 

Joe got me two whole pallets of wood for all my projects I have in mind! 

I've been attempting to eat a little healthier so this was one of my suppers. 

This is the sausage I get and it is soo good! You can probably find it at Whole Foods but I found mine at Natural Grocers. 

And the Hashbrown's I use, I cook them in the air fryer and they're amazing! 

This is our life, we don't get to cuddle, but the dogs are very well cuddled! 

Taking all the pallet wood up to my parents (They have a big shop and garage so we can do all our projects indoors this year!) Dublin got to ride by himself with dad and Deegan rode with me. Deegan bombarded him with kisses as soon as he could get to him!) 

Planning all of the fun content coming your way! 

A sneak peak at my fall decor. I've picked up pretty much everything at random places and I made the candy corns. 

I made some delicious pumpkin pancakes from Trader Joes! I've been getting their pumpkin pancake mix the last couple years and it never disappoints. I added some chocolate chips to mine and that made it over the top amazing. 

Obviously the dogs get super serious about their peanut butter. 

We had homemade pizzas at my parents.
They eat fathead pizza which honestly is equally ad delicious as pizza with regular crust.

Don't mind these two, just sneaking up to Uncle Chris's room where they're not supposed to be (well at least Deegan...He's kind of like a bull in china shop with all of my brothers musical and leather making equipment up there).

I picked out the leather for my laptop case he is making me😍.

I'm not always the best at keeping up with my meal planning...but when I do I love this method! I got this board on clearance at Michaels for like $15 (I love when I see something I love and watch it for awhile...It was originally like $50 when I saw it the first time but obviously wasn't going to spend that much, I kept an I on it and snagged it for a MUCH better price) The other half is a white board that's also magnetic. I just use note cards and cut them to size to fit in each slot. I've tried a lot of other methods of writing out meal plans and this seems to work the best. 

We went to my baby cousins bridal shower.

I got my hair done💜 I had her darken my new growth and add some low lights throughout while bringing the blond back up closer to the scalp. 

Giving brother kisses. 

Is this not the sweetest thing!? After almost three years...Dublin FINALLY lets Deegan cuddle (Sometimes) 

I made my favorite crockpot pork chop recipe. 

And started a fun new project for Halloween. 

A little tip. If you haven't heard of doing this already it works great! If you're still going to use your paint brushes (sponge or regular) wrap them in saran wrap or put in a ziplock and they stay moist. I can't take the credit for this one😉, My momma taught me this one. I think she also puts them in the fridge or freezer too. 

I waited all day watching out the window for my Stelara, And with 10 minutes to spare with the cutoff time it came! You have to sign for it because its such an expensive drug ($18,000😳, I only pay $5 thankfully!) And if you miss them...It's a NIGHTMARE to get it. 

I had a Pulmonary test done. It was torture😬. But the lady that did it ended up being a family friend so that was fun to catch up with her! 

After my pulmonary test I was treated to Starbucks (Its my go to anytime I have to get stabbed or anything doctor related lol). 

I was wiped out by the time we got home from the test so the rest of the night was spent with puppy cuddles and an early bedtime. 

Never a dull moment with this one, and I wouldn't have it any other way💙.

It was a good day...We ran to Walmart to grab something to find that they had started putting out Christmas decorations😍. I know most people get frustrated that they start putting it out so early, But I have so much fun looking at everything. 

We visited Joes mom and got some play time in with her new puppy. 

And ended up having supper there. Max is the KING of begging😂.

Aand this is what we came home too....😒. I'm sure you could take a wild guess as to who was the culprit for this. All the content from the bottom shelf in the pantry on the floor. AND the dogs (Mostly Deegan) ate two and a half bags of chocolate chips and some cinnamon...It was a long night for all of us...

I don't remember what we were going to do this day...But I love the picture! 

We went and helped get things at mom and dads ready for our big fall bbq. I supervised. 

I did end up doing a little...I had lots of fun organizing these shelves! 
Hard at work😉.

Dublin was real happy when grandma decided to take a break and fully took advantage of it. 

Aand Dublin was so over it by the end of the day. This poor old guy couldn't hang.

We had a memorial for Joe's uncle that passed away the end of August and I was in charge of cookies. I found some Caramel balls at Walmart and added them to these chocolate chip cookies, they were AMAZING and I've already picked up a couple more bags of them to have on hand. 

Again with the sideways pictures😒. I picked up these pumpkin truffles at the same time and made the recipe on the back of the package. 

Now that it was finally cold enough to wear them, I went to wear a pair of my uggs and found this😂😂. I always have Joe hide my candy from me so I can't eat to many at one time. Well I found one of his hiding spots apparently! 

Working on a fun project.

I also tried my hand for the first time at making the dogs Halloween bandanas, I saw at a craft show last year how they made the bandanas so they slide onto the collars so I made them that way and I love how they turned out!
I'm not expert at sewing and they're definitely not perfect but as long as you don't look to closely you don't notice that😉. I cant wait to make some for Christmas now, and probably every season!

And tried my hand at making a wreath...I've never tried making wreaths because I've always been intimidated by them and now I realize why😂. I still haven't undone them to remake them. I'll get around to that eventually, probably after the seasons already over lol. 

Joe got a new tattoo and both the dogs thought they needed to clean daddy's "ouwy" Do anyone else dogs do this with tattoos?? Deegan still tries to clean the ones that Joe's had for years. 

We had a end of summer/fall bbq and Joe was up bright and early to smoke the meat for it. 

And I made my famous Mac and cheese, Ok it might not be famous, but we sure love it! Next time I make it I'll write down everything I do to make a blog post for you guys. It's pretty easy and can be thrown in a crockpot to cook, cooked on the stove, or smoked! 

😍😍 I may have taste tested each as soon as we got to my parents...I'll get these wrote up soon to share with you. They are both soo yummy! 

A few photos from the night. 

Joe and I. 

Mom and I.

Joe and my Uncle Paul (Moms sisters husband).

My cousin and I. 

Joes aunt Darla, Joe, myself, and Joe's mom, Deb.

Joe and our friend Chris (Different than my brother Chris😉).

Me, my cousin Shaylee and her little baby Eleanor, cousin Cassie, and my momma. 

If you know my family well...chances are you've probably heard of Indian Fry Bread. 
Years ago There was and Indian family that made and sold Indian Fry Bread over at Old Threshers (If you know use you've surely heard of this as well), When they were ready to retire they talked to our friend Kathy Powell (they're who make the Sudsy Soapcakes you've probably heard me talk about) who sold their soap at Threshers and she agreed to take over selling the fry bread at Threshers and the only people that have the recipe aside from them is Kathy and her family and my mom (It's under "lock and key" and is not allowed to be given out to anyone), We helped them sell if for quite a few years.
It is VERY messy so we don't get mom to make it too often. We talked her into making it for the BBQ since she could cook it in the garage and not make a huge mess (And YAY she said she'd make it more often now since we can do it out there!) Her job was always the rolling and mine was always the sugaring. 

It's been a few years but we quickly got right into the rhythm of things again. 

my Aunt Brenda, Aunt Teresa, cousins daughter Kiera, Uncle Tony, momma, cousin Cassie, cousin Brandon, cousins son Lane, and Myself. There is nothing more that I love than time spent with family💙💙.
Our friends Sarah and George, Emilie and Tyler, and us. 

The last group to leave as usual. Love our group of friends. 

The next day, Sunday my cousin James was here bright and early with a lift to help Joe cut down our trees (Before they fell on our house😬).

Anyone that knows Joe knows he's TERRIFIED of heights, my cousin said he was shaking in his boots when they were up that high😂.

"Come on grandpa, just a bite of your hotdog" 

A little break time for showing off guns and lunch.

Deegan just living his best life. 

We are soo grateful to some friends and my brother for helping get everything cut and cleaned up. We still have a little cleanup left but wow they got ALOT done, in the rain I might add too. 

I've still been trying to keep up with eating healthier (It's probably a 50-50) This is one of my go to meals, two sausages is too much for my stomach but I've found the perfect combo finally. 

the 30th was injection day (It's $18k not $14k) Joe did great as usual😊.

Our friends were over for gym (which turned into watching tv for Sarah and I and some garage cleanup and video games for Joe and George😂) These two were caught in the act of begging! 

I think Dublin found a new friend💚. If you've met him, you know that he doesn't take to people quickly! 

If you're going through a rough time in life right now. Just remember, 1. its making you stronger and 2. its preparing you for what's better to come! 


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