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Skillet Cookie Cake

Cast Iron Skillet Cookie Cake 


  • 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cups flour 
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2 cups (11 oz. package) semi sweet chocolate chips 


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla until cream. 
  3. Add eggs; beat well.
  4. Stir together flour, baking soda, and salt; Gradually add to butter mixture, beating until well blended.
  5. Stir in chocolate chips.
  6. Rub softened butter around the inside of the skillet (I like to get some butter on a paper towel and rub it around).
  7. Press into a 9 inch or larger cast iron skillet.
  8. Bake for 30-40 minutes (I baked mine uncovered for about 20 minutes and then covered with tin foil for the remaining time, checking periodically, every oven is different so you'll want to watch it closely after about 20 minutes. If you like it a little more crispy, feel free to leave it uncovered the entire time). 
  9. Let cool for a few minutes
  10. Serve and ENJOY

Now for some fun variations! 

I've done this a couple different ways, both start with pressing half the cookie dough into the skillet.

Option 1 - melt a jar of caramel (I used the jar'd kind for ice cream) in the microwave and then pour about 3/4 of the jar over the the cookie dough then top with the remaining cookie dough (I do find it helps to press out as much of the cookie dough as you can before you put it into the pan.

Option 2 - What I did this time, I did half and half with the chips. Half chocolate chips and half peanut butter chips. 
After you press half the cookie dough, add 6 or so Reeces in the center and then sprinkle with chocolate chips. Then cover with the remaining cookie dough.
You could easily do just chocolate chips, or another kind of candy! 

Then...if you really want to get crazy, top with frosting. It makes it AMAZING. 
I've done just frosting before (I like to melt it for a few seconds in the microwave first, before I pour it over) or mix half and half frosting and peanut butter and then frost. 
If you add the frosting before its cooled, drop spoonfuls around the cake and then spread otherwise you'll tear up the cake, or if you're patient...Wait till its cooled and then frost😊.



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