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Summer 2020 Recap

 I know I’ve been MIA for a hot minute...for personal reasons I was trying to keep posting to a minimum just because it got to be to much for me but I’ve really missed sharing with you guys so i thought I would do a summer recap and catch you guys up. Better late than never right...?🤪.

We bought a camper project - we were thinking tiny home. Never again...😂

But then since we ended up with two more campers...joe traded it to his cousin for a boat. 

"Helping" with the camper project. 

The "new" camper we bought for $100! Crazy right!? We did a ton of remodeling to it but still have a lot we want to do over the winter for next year. I have soo many ideas for it but it really depends on how long we want to keep it how much work and money we put into it. We’ve had a lot of fun with it this summer though. 

We made some delicious chicken enchiladas. You can find the recipe here!

And had puppy cuddles of course.

And Deegan is still doing his neighborhood watch.
I was really trying to keep the dog photos to a minimum for this post but it’s so hard lol.

We enjoyed the when the weather warmed up by roasting hotdogs and making s’mores.

Enjoyed some beautiful riding weather.

The boys thought we got this swing for them...

Perfected this cast iron pizza recipe that you can find here. Now I’m craving this!

My little helper when I was recovering the cushions for the first camper.

So much work...😬

We and I mean we by not me resurfaced the yard and moved the pool at my parents so it could be on level ground.

We had fun fishing a few times! That new boat will come in really handy next year but joes already talking about getting a different kind of boat next year for duck hunting lol. 

We celebrated Mother’s Day with our mamas and grandma at our house.

Enjoying a little campfire with my guard doggies.

I got desperate during quarantine and foiled my own hair, I was never so happy to see Madi!

Posted a photo in honor of Crohn’s disease awareness day 💜💜.

For Joes Birthday the week leading up to I decided to surprise him each day with a drink, snack and note, now that his birthday is over I’ll put together a blog post all about it!

The day of his birthday I wrapped everything but the coke and beer crate (I gave him the crate for Christmas and the coke went with the bottle of alcohol I have him).

He loves ice cream cake so for his family birthday dinner I made all homemade ice cream cake with his favorite Oreo cookie recipe, I’ll share that as well!

We camped up at my parents with some of our friends and family for Joes birthday.
I had to add a couple of these sweet puppies!

I had to go up to Des Moines for an iron infusion and had this sweet surprise from a Joe when I woke up that day since Joe couldn’t take me

We did some DIY raised garden beds which were a fail...I didn’t plan the, fall enough and planted everything to close together so honestly they didn’t produce very well, a good learning experience for next year! 

We decided to have an impromptu date night for our Anniversary and went toAngry Goldfish. I LOVE their food!

Enjoying a truck ride to grandpa and grandmas, Dublin of course, not so much.

Hard at work on our camper project! I think I’ll do a whole post on what we’ve done and what our plans are for it still.

Pool fun❤️❤️.

Dublin’s retaliation to me making him get in the pool...he went and rolled in the mud and had the time of his life🙄.

I talked Joe and mom into letting the dogs in the pool...this is as far as Deegan got

Dublin got out and went straight to roll in the mud...soo naughty and soo proud of himself 

These two kill me...

We had many pool days, I’m so glad Joe was able to enjoy the pool more this year than last! 

We got dad a pizza oven for Father’s Day and have had lots of fun trying it out, I’ve had a craving for it so we’re going to have to break it out soon!

Since most festivities were cancelled we had a 4th of July celebration at my parents.

We had a bunch of people pitch in for the firework display and it was honestly one of the best ones I’ve seen.

I can’t wait to do this again next year! We had so much fun with everyone. 

Took a motorcycle ride through downtown, I love going down there and driving around it see everything, really gives me a little hint of New York memories. 

We did a group ride up to watcha smokin bbq with some friends and it was such a fun day. 

For my birthday the last couple years I’ve requested Joe, myself, mom, my brother, and joes mom go to Adventureland, I gave in to our moms and joes wishes and rented a scooter and honestly I’m so glad I did, I was able to enjoy myself so much more because I get so exhausted walking that long. 

We went to taste of New York in Johnston afterwards and my dad and grandma met us there, I LOVE pizza, any and all kinds lol and I liked that this place had a keto option for my parents. 

I like to keep the celebration going, we had a party at my parents over the weekend too.

My best friend Melissa, her little guy Bobby, and sister Amanda drove up from Kansas and it was soo amazing to see them! As Melissa puts it, we became friends in her crib when we were like 2 lol. 

Took advantage of my free Dunkin’ Donuts drink for my birthday, honestly it wasn’t that great but the donuts were AMAZING.

My FAVORITE dessert, that mom only makes once or twice a year. 

I got to see my other best friend who was up here visiting from Kansas City during my birthday weekend and it was so great. Also, why do all of my friends move away??🤔😂.

Joe threw a "party" for me at the bar and made a cake and everything. Like I said, I like to spread out the celebrating🤷‍♀️.

The process of getting a photo with Joe🤪❤️.

One of my favorite cousins❤️❤️.

More birthday photos.

Since I had covid in June and we all had to quarantine we had to cancel our family bbq so we ended up having it later in the summer. 

A friend and I hit up Ivy Rose on the square in Osceola and I hit the jackpot with soo many of the cute stuff! 

I got a cricut with my birthday money and naturally the first thing I tried was an ornament🤷‍♀️.

Look at that cute little deegy face❤️. 

Date night❤️.

Took a motorcycle ride around town and caught this beautiful sunset. 

Oh Dublin...❤️.

We got to meet our new niece and isn’t she so precious!?

We had a campout at my parents with my cousins family and friends and it was so great❤️.


Sophia got to help mom make cupcakes. 

Some of my favorite people❤️.

We took Michelle shooting for her very first time to finish off our campout weekend, naturally she’s hooked!😉.

I found this heated blanket at Costco for only like $30. 

I told joe Deegan needs his I own, he’s taken over it!

We did a little photo shoot with Joe for the new shirt I designed and made.

And another one, soo true😳.

Putting together one of the signs I designed and made.

A few more of the things I’ve designed and made, I’ve had so much fun with the cricut machine!

At Joes sister Kaylas wedding.

Showing of their new bandanas I made.

Supervising Joe put out the Halloween decor.

Had so much fun decorating this For Halloween.

Ignore the glasses, I’ve had problems with my eyes lately and have had to wear them more but I love this outfit I got from America Eagle, I’ve been living in this sweatshirt.

Puppy cuddles make everything better❤️.

Fall BBQ photos.

Famous sugar cookie recipe here

Mom made our famous Indianola fry bread for everyone and I may have eaten waay to much but it was so worth it lol.

Where I stayed for a few days after all the bbq weekend festivities, so fun but so exhausting.

And the Fall BBQ was the last of the summer festivities, even though they were certainly different than most years, we still found a way to enjoy the summer. Honestly it was really great just being able to slow down a bit.

I hope you all enjoy this recap and I’ll get a health update for you guys soo !


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