As we go into summer and my hair has grown out, I find there are days I don't just want a simple ponytail but I really don't want my hair on my neck either. So I've been experimenting with some fun updos, when my hair was longer last time (7+ years ago) and I was still doing hair, I loved to play around with cute updos when I needed my hair out of my face.
I'll be real, I don't have the strength in my arms like I used to aand I've definitely lost my touch but the more I play the more it comes back and well, hopefully my strength will come back too. lol.
As I continue to do these quick styles I'll start documenting them to share with you and hopefully give you some inspiration for yourself!
Now remember, the biggest thing about these styles is its not meant to be perfect, this isn't a wedding or prom style (although they could be with a little polishing), so don't worry if your braids aren't perfect or its not perfectly smooth, that's the point!
Don't stress yourself😉.
So I started out with a French fishtail braid using my normal part and worked my way to the back of my head and then put a little hair tie in.
Next I did it on the right side doing the same thing I did on the left. and as you can see, being left handed, that side is clearly better😂. But that's ok, remember, it doesn't have to be perfect!

Once I got both sides tied off I pulled everything into a pony tale and then did a fishtail bread with everything, once you get the bread done, hold onto a small strand of hair at the bottom of the braid and take your other hand and push the rest of the bread up. Once I did that I took that hair and wrapped a hair tie around it, there were a few stray pieces so I just pinned those with a hair pin.
Heres a better view of the right side, not perfect, but got the job done!
As you can see, there are still flyaways so if that bothers you, you can easily hairspray it, I'm not a big fan and my main goal was to have everything up out of the way so I didn't do that.
I'll try and get a video next time I do this to better show ya'll but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask! My hair is medium length just past my shoulders, but really as long as you can get your hair back in a ponytail you can easily do this look.
I hope you enjoyed! 💜