I quit Social Media for a week and this is what happened... Life went on, I got a lot more done, spent less time on my phone and more time focusing on my surroundings, I actually felt a little lonely/disconnected. To clarify, I did keep Snapchat! So many people communicate that way😏 that I decided to keep it. but I deleted Facebook and Instagram off my phone and iPad to help with the temptation. In a lot of ways it was so freeing! I think so many of us are guilty of mindlessly getting on both of those apps and not even realizing until you've been scrolling for an hour... I did spend more time on Pinterest😂 but at least thats a little more useful way to spend your time. I did spend a lot less time on my phone/ipad and it was so nice. Whether I was at home, or out and about I was so much more aware of my surroundings. I got so much more done around home because I wasn't wasting so much time sitting on the couch browsing. I actually felt a lit...
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